Join us today as we worship the risen Christ Jesus together! Today Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled “Living stones and a chosen people”. Scripture: I Peter 2: 1-10
Join us today as we worship the risen Christ Jesus together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled “Transformed into the Dwelling Place of God”. Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:4-17 and Hebrews 12:18-28
Join us today on Easter Sunday as we worship the risen Christ Jesus together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled “Resurrection Hope”. Scripture: John 20: 1-18; Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20
Join us as we worship Jesus together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled “Do not Be Afraid” (The Christ-centered courage of Saint Patrick). Scripture: Mark 4: 35-41
Join us as we worship Jesus together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled “Invitation to Blessing”. Scripture: Matthew 5:1-16
Join us as we worship Jesus together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled “Jesus our Overcomer!” Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Join us as we worship Jesus together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled “A Wedding, a Miracle, a Sign of the Kingdom! “. Scripture: John 2:1-12
Join us as we worship Jesus together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman will be bringing us a message entitled “Prepare the Way for the Lord” Scripture: Matthew 3: 1-17
Join us as we celebrate Christ together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman and Pastor Krista Snader will facilitate “Reflections on God’s work in 2023, Prayers and Hopes for 2024”.
Join us as we celebrate Christ together! Today Pastor Tom Eshleman will bring us a message titled “A Light has Dawned”.