Join us as we worship Jesus together! Pastor Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled “That They Might Seek Him and Find Him” from Acts 17: 24-34.
Join us as we worship Jesus together! Lee Zimmerman will bring us a message entitled “Daring, Prepared, and Open-Minded” from Acts 17: 1-14.
Join us as we worship Jesus together! David Moore will be bringing us a message entitled “Blessed”.
Join us as we worship Jesus together! Krista Snader will bring us a message entitled “Lydia’s Conversion in Philippi” from Acts 16: 11-15.
Join us as we worship out Lord and Savior together! Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled, “Your People Shall Be My People” from Ruth 1: 6-22.
Join us as we worship out Lord and Savior together! Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled, “Be Merciful to Those Who Doubt” from the book of Jude.
Join us as we worship out Lord and Savior together! Tom Eshleman will bring us a message entitled, “Keep Yourself in God’s Love” from Jude 17-25
Join us as we worship our Lord and Savior together! Richard Buckwalter will be giving the message entitled, “The Spirit: Present and Active”, from Acts 2:1-4, 37-42
Pastor Tom Eshleman will give the message entitled, “Why stand you gazing?” from Acts 1:1-11.
Join us as we worship Jesus together! The message will be given by Henry Tolbert, EMM Board Member.